Friday, January 26, 2007


She got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. At first the thought of going a public bathroom that she was sharing with some of her schoolmates, at 2:14 am in a beach resort scared her. But she knew she had to go, badly.

She was yawning as she left her room. Then she heard a series of thumps. She leaned over the railing and gasped at the sight.

"Oh my God, JORDAN!"

There he was, he was lying at the bottom of the stairs on his back, moaning. She hurriedly went to his aid.

"Are you ok?" she asked.

"Yeah, I just slipped and fell. Ouch, could you help me." He asked.

She took hold of his left arm and placed it around her shoulder. She helped him to his feet and led him to the bathroom.

"You ok? I mean, can you stand up? You think anything’s broken?" she asked.

"No, I don’t think so. It just hurts. How about you, what are you doing here at this hour?"

"I was going to the bathroom, when I heard you fell."

"Aren’t I lucky?" he answered sarcastically.

She led him to the bathroom. There, she left him in leaning on the sink as she went a got the first aid-kit. He uses the sink for support and looks at the mirror. He felt a little dizzy. Then he notices the small gash on his forehead.

"Where does it hurt?" she asked as she came back with the first aid-kit.

"I hit my head." He answered, pointing to his forehead.

They weren’t facing each other. They were both in front of the mirror above the sink. They were just looking at each other’s reflection.

She sees the wound on his head. From the kit, she took out a cotton ball and applied alcohol to his cut. She tried to be careful not to hurt him. He sees the concern in her eyes.

"Don’t worry about it. I’m used to a little pain," he says.

"I am too… but it doesn’t mean I like any more." She replies.

He smiles at her comment, and she sees it. She likes it when it’s her turn, when she makes him smile. Normally it was the other way around. She thought it was about time for someone to get him to smile.

Maybe it was because it was the middle of the night but he noticed something different about Amy. She seemed a little more open tonight, more than usual at least.

She was about to place a Band-Aid on his wound but changed her mind. He didn’t need it. She makes sure that he didn’t get hurt anymore and made sure his wound was ok. He smiles at the thought.

"What?" she asked confusedly.

"Nothing…" he tries to hide his laugh. "I just thought how great a mother you’d be."

"That’s what happens to the eldest… always grows the fastest."

They share a few more minutes of laughs. They were also trying not to make too much noise. They wouldn’t want their classmates to wake up. After the last joke concern began to creep up Amy’s head.

"Does it hurt anywhere else?" she asks him.

"My back hurts a little…" then he motions to take his shirt off. "You mind checking?"

She nods her reply. Doing her best to hide the fact that thinking of Jordan shirtless turned her into a tomato, she ducks her head.

Slowly, the shirt rose up and got above his head. He grunts as he does his best to handle the pain of a usually easy motion. Now it was a painful task to his shoulders and back. It got stuck up to the top of his head. This was more difficult. Out of instincts she grabs the hem and slowly peels the garment of him.

"That ok?" she asked when it was finally off.

"Yeah, thanks."

She takes a step backward and now notices the marks the fall left on his back. There were two bruises on his back. One was at the center of his right side and the other just where his neck and shoulder met. A look of concern brushed on her face and he had to ask.

"What is it? Is it that bad?"

"No, just a couple of bruises. I’ll get the ice pack."

She hangs the shirt on a hook on the wall and walks back with an ice pack to get some ice. She steals a few glances of him at the corner of her eye. She kept her hands busy by looking for the ice, but her mind travels back to him. His broad shoulders with a boxy but hug-able frame; all in all, she didn’t mind being up this late and taking care of him.

He tries to keep his mind off the pain. He scans the mirror and sees her in the corner, rummaging in the small, Styrofoam cooler. Maybe it was the fall but he had no idea how Amy looked that night. He notices her little, white, dress that she slept in. He sees how different she looked out of their school uniform. He always thought that she was pretty. But tonight she was alluring. It made her look innocent and sexy at the same time. It wasn’t shocking or too lewd but wasn’t something a nun would approve of. The hem just rested in the middle of her thighs, which gave him a great view of her shapely legs. The thought caused him to breathe heavily and wash his face. He dries his face and tried to control himself. She was a nice girl and he couldn’t be better. He could be such a jerk. He shakes the thought out of his head.

"Found it."
She says.

She walks back to him with a blue pack in her hands. She stands behind him ready to gently damp down his bruises.

"Might be a little too cold,"
she warns him.

"Why wouldn’t an ice pack be too cold?"
he asks.

"I’ll just do it slowly."

The pack began to numb her own hand when she dabbed his marks. He flinched a little at first. Then got used to the numbing cold.

It felt weird to him. The pack was cooling his aches. The droplets from the pack rolled down his back, but he could still feel a little heat. This wasn’t because of the beach or the night. It was nearly Christmas. It should have been colder.

Then he realizes… it was Amy. She was using her left hand, which was free from the ice, to lightly brush his bruises. Though he only felt her finger tips for moment, he could distinctly feel her heat. She was also standing directly behind him and he could feel her breathing. Even though parts of his back was numbing he could feel the air escaping from her lips and hitting his back. This caused him to break a little sweat as he watched her treating him.

She was still concerned with the state of his aches but she notices glare in Jordan’s eyes. Sweat was forming near his forehead, down to his cheek then his neck falling down his chest.

He thought about how nice she was. He doesn’t even get an inkling of worry from his family when something happens to him, but here was Amy so concerned of his small fall. He never met anyone as kind to him as her. He wished that all the rumors about her liking him were true. He wished that he could believe her.

The swelling began to come down. They weren’t as purple as before. She assumes that they’ll be gone within a week. She hopes they will.

There are a lot of things she was hoping for Jordan this holiday season. Even if their family backgrounds were a little the same, she knew his family wasn’t as close as hers was. She also knew that he’s been having a few problems and she hopes that everything will be all right. But the one wish she’s been suppressing is the one she wants to come true the most. That Jordan started looking at her differently.

She didn’t mind their current friendship. But if he only saw her as a friend, she was all right with that. Actually, she felt lucky to have a friend like him. But if he were too scared to just follow what he was feeling, then she’d be disappointed.

He’s been hurt before, so he was scared. She understood that. She’d been hurt before. But the thought of him being to fearful of going for what he wants because he’s afraid of losing it before he even got it, scared her. She wants him to be so happy and if she could help, she’d be glad to.

He sees the way she’s been looking at him, at least at his back. He’s thankful but he hates seeing her worry too much. He feels like he’s bothering her. Why’d he have to fall? He just prevented her from getting a full night of sleep…

"Does it still hurt?"
she asks him.

he realizes that she was talking to him.

"Does you’re back still hurt?" she asks again.

"No, Its fine now."
He reassures her.



"Didn’t do anything special. I was just there."

"You’re always there when someone needs someone. Your boyfriend’s lucky."

"I don’t have a boyfriend."

"I thought there was someone you liked. I mean, I heard…"

"I like him… but having him as a boyfriend is a whole other thing."

"You got a crush on someone?"

"Yeah, but that’s about it."

"Why? Doesn’t know you exists?"

"No, he does. He just doesn’t think I exists for him."

"What a lucky idiot. You as a girlfriend would be a dream come true."

"It may not be his dream"

"You sure about that?"


"So, what are you doing?"


"Can’t you forget about him. Move on to the next guy. Someone who actually likes you."



"It ain’t fair."

"For him?"

"For everyone. It wouldn’t be fair to me because I’m giving him up. It would be unfair for the next
guy, cause while I’ll be with him I’d just be thinking about someone else. And it wouldn’t be fair for him because I’m not being patient. I’m not giving him a chance."

"But this ain’t fair to you now."

"But that I could control. Either I’ll be with my crush or the next guy or alone, I’ll can just wait and
accept whatever happens."

"That’s it?"

"Can’t exactly do anything else. Can’t force him."

"Does he know that you like him?"

"Yeah he knows... I just don’t think he believes me."

"Why is that?"

"He doesn’t think anyone would actually like him the way I do."


"He can’t picture a girl like me, liking a guy like him. But I think he’s just scared."

"Of what?"

"Getting hurt."

"Why do you like him? Tall, dark and handsome type?"

"No he’s not. He’s ok."

"Just ok?"

"Yeah, he’s pretty simple."

"Then why do you like him so much?"

"He’s nice, funny, smart, easy to talk to, fun to be with… I don’t know. He just makes me feel different

"The way you talked about him. He doesn’t seem like such a special guy."

"He’s not the cutest or the smartest or most popular, arguably the funniest. At first sight, he’s not that special. But… he has to be."


"I wouldn’t feel this way if he weren’t special."

"You sure you’re not building a skyscraper out of toothpicks, are you?"

"I don’t know. All I know is that he tugs at my heart and I don’t know why. And you know what’s scarier?"

He shrugs his shoulder out of curiosity as he looks at Amy through the reflection of the mirror in front of them. He sees so much love in her eyes as she talks about this mysterious guy. Deep down, jealousy slowly eats him.

"I don’t think I want him to stop."

With that last comment, he felt like his heart was thrown in the ocean and eaten by sharks. Who ever this guy was, he was a lucky, ungrateful jerk. What was worst was that he envied him. He ducks his head trying not to show his current disposition. The green-eyed monster was about to devour him whole.

She focuses back to Jordan’s torso. The pack was starting to loose it’s chilliness but she didn’t leave. She stayed there thinking about what they had just talked about. Feeling a little guilty for talking too much. He must know by now. He can’t be this thick. As much as she doesn’t want him to be pressured, she wished that he would finally figure out how much she loved him.

He steals a look of her. She was preoccupied with his back. He could see she was deliberately not making eye contact. Did he do something? He shouldn’t have asked her so many personal questions. He’s such a jerk.

"I’m sorry."

Her head shoots up to meet his eye contact. Her head tilts to the side like a dog looking at his master not understanding a word of human. She gives him a curious look.

"I shouldn’t have asked you so many questions. I didn’t even bother asking if it was ok to ask you so many personal questions. I’m a jerk. I’m sorry."

"Its ok. I like talking with you. Especially a topic so easy to talk about."

"Still it was so inconsiderate of me."

"Its fine. I didn’t mind it."

She gives him a reassuring look. He was so sweet. This was one of the reasons why she liked him so much.

"Can I ask you something?"

"You already did, but you still can."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Who is he?"

And this was one of the reasons why she didn’t like him. After all this he still doesn’t get it? What does she have to do to get him to believe her? This was hopeless.

With the sudden surge of emotion she accidentally pressed to hard on his bruise, which caused him to jump a little.



He looks at her. He sees that wrinkle above the bridge of her nose. This meant she was annoyed. What did he do? It seemed to be major to cause her to press down on his bruise. Did he do something to push him? Could the question be too personal? He might have hit a nerve.

"I’m sorry was I going to far. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to."

Unbelievable! He still didn’t get it. How could he still not get it?! She smiles giggles even at the present situation. He was so irritating, but he can still put a smile on her face. She really had it bad for this guy.

he asks her.

"Nothing. Its just that… never mind."
She answers as she tries to control her laughing

"No, what is it?"
he demanded.

"I just can’t believe you still don’t know who this guy is."

"Am I suppose to?"

"The whole gang knows, even a few teachers. Its official public knowledge."

"So I know him?"

"Yeah, you know him pretty well."

"Is he here? Did he come with us?"

"Yeah, I was actually having a hard time controlling myself… with him being half naked."
She answers as she looked at her feet to not look at him.

"So who is he?"
he asked again.

Her head shots back up to meet his gaze. They still weren’t looking directly at each other. The mirror served as their point of view of one another.

He looked at her with so much curiosity and anticipation. Honestly, he was only trying to hide the desire in him. He was fighting the desire to know whom this guy was; the desire to just take her and convince her to forget about this guy and take him instead.

From the laughter in her eyes she had earlier, now she had a look of insecurity. She didn’t know if she should tell him. She wants to. She’s just not sure.

She breaks eye
contact and goes back to the marks on his back. She does her best to be hide. She knew that with one look in her eyes he’d be able to tell.

"Do you really want to know?"

"Yes, who is he?"

She smoothly places the ice pack on the sink in front of them. Both of Jordan’s hands were on either edge of the sink. She moves her arms under his. She takes a step forward, slides her arms around him from behind. Only her warm left hand touching Jordan’s stomach. She placed her cold right hand on her own left arm.

He could feel her placing her cheek to his back; The breath on his skin. Then something completely unexpected happened. He felt her brushing her lips on the lower bruise. She was kissing him. Then he hears her against his flesh saying…

"Its you. I like you. I've always liked you"

She kisses the other bruise near his shoulder.

He sees her coming up from behind. She still wasn’t making eye contact. He could just feel her pressing herself to him. He could feel her heart beat. Her breath hitting his skin. Her arms around him, kissing him and her telling him of her feelings, this caused him to weaken in her embrace.

She kisses him on the shoulder then nuzzles his neck. He felt so warm in her hug. She just stood there leaning against him. Her eyes closed, trying her best to fight off the tears. Her cheek remained dry. Her heart beating strongly just as his did. She didn’t look at him. She just wanted to remember this. Having him for even just a moment.

They were like that for a while. Then she realizes how long she’s held him. She finally opens her eyes to reality. Now she stands on her own behind him. She takes a deep breath and looks at his reflection. She makes eye contact. Slowly she weakens her grip then slides her hands across his stomach. Even her cold, clammy right hand was now warm.

"I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to take so long."

She drops her gaze out of embarrassment. Her hands were now just on his sides. She wasn’t leaning against him anymore. Her moist kiss must now have evaporated by now.

With her right hand, she reaches for the ice pack, but something stops her.

There was a gentle grip in her right wrist. She tries to look at him. But he was looking at his hand on her wrist. He just held her lightly. But with that grip, he felt her pulse. She had the same rhythm as his.

What was happening? She asked herself. He still didn’t look at her. He just looked at her hand.

Then slowly, he removed his right hand off the sink. He turns to face her. His left hand still on her right wrist, lowered to their side. They finally looked at each other. He looks at her with so much longing and packed up frustrations. He couldn’t believe that it was "him". He could only look at her. This was the first time he ever thought of her vulnerable.He places his right hand to her neck and raises her face to be seen. He looks at her. He moves to the side of her face, and admired the beauty that she had. Her dry cheek so warm and soft, but he notices her eyes. They were a little teary and frightened but firm. It was difficult for him to believe that she could ever…He couldn’t think anymore. He couldn’t take it. He pulls her closer and kisses her. Both their heads tilted to their right. They could taste each other’s lips. He lets go of her wrist and places his left-hand on the other side of her neck and pulls her even closer to deepen their kiss.

She could only place her hand on his shoulders. Then on his neck to take him even closer. She wraps her arms around his neck and both his hands slides down to her sides. She then holds the back of his head in place, her fingers in his hair as they kiss. His arms are now around her. She slides her hands to his wide, bare chest feeling the heat coming from this body. He has her in an embrace and feels her slightly panting from the lost of breathe from kissing.

They finally slowly and reluctantly pull away from the kiss, but not from each other gentle grip. He kept his arms tightly around her. Her hands still on his shoulder keeping him near her. Their foreheads are against each other. They’re breathing deep and fast from the lack of air earlier. They’re nose to nose with a foolish grin across their faces. A smile on both their faces, from finally feeling what they’ve long to feel all their life, acceptance. They don’t notice they’re actually swaying to a silent song. The beating of their hearts leads their dance.

He ducks his head down and tenderly kisses her neck. She nuzzles him. She likes they new sensation of having his lips on her neck. She lightly kisses his cheek as a thank you. He raises his head and looks deeply in Amy’s eyes. The once scared teary pair of eyes now happy and full of endearment. He stands straight and keeps his gaze on her face. He just had to remind himself of what he was doing and whom he was doing it with. His Amy.

She looks up at him. She feels safe and secure in his arms. She looks at the wound on his forehead and lightly brushes it. She tiptoes and tries to reaches for his face to come closer to reach it. She does and kisses it better.

He smiles at the way she cares for him. He still couldn’t believe she was here, with him doing what they were doing. They were in each other’s hug and kissing. They were breathing each

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